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Global Young Scholar 
Talent Search 2024

Welcome, Students!  
You've likely been directed to this page or to this sign-up page because your school is participating in an India-wide Talent Search.

The Global Young Scholar (GYS) Talent Search provides you with valuable insights into your academic strengths and access to INR 50,00,000 in scholarships.

The Talent Search is the first step towards qualifying for the Global Young Scholar Program.
Benefits of the program include fee reductions and preferred access to educational programs, a global student network, and scholarships at US and Indian universities.
Students who take the Challenge Exam will also receive a personalized, interactive AI-powered score report that will give families actionable insights into how their student's performance compares to other students at the same grade level, as well as help them to understand their child's strengths and areas for improvement.

How do I participate?

The 2024 GYS Talent Search consists of a short qualifying exam, which is generally administered in schools, and a more in-depth exam, which is AI-proctored and can be taken at home.  
Chances are you've already completed the qualifying exam in school, and you can now check your status by creating an account at Argus (your status will be updated 48hrs after you submit your qualifying exam.)    
The qualifying exam is a measurement of whether we think you're ready for the Challenge Exam, and is therefore scored pass / fail. If you clear the qualifying exam, the Challenge Exam will be unlocked for you.  Students who do not clear the Challenge Exam will be provided with other opportunities to improve their skills and re-test at a later date.   

Challenge Exam Information

The Challenge exam will enable you to become a Global Young Scholar (GYS)   
The exam is approximately 90 minutes long, and covers reading, English, math, and logical reasoning questions, as well as some questions that measure non-cognitive skills.
The exam is proctored by AI, so you will need to enable access to your camera and microphone.
The exam fee is 1900 INR, which includes a year-long membership in the Global Young Scholar program, as well as an interactive AI-powered score report.
More information about the US-based Global Young Scholar program and its mission can be found at

GYS Talent Search FAQ

GYS Talent Search Honor Code

All participating schools and students are obligated to adhere to the GYS Talent Search Honor Code. By participating, you agree to:
* Approach every exam with integrity, refraining from giving or receiving unauthorized assistance or accessing prohibited materials.

* Respect the examination process and all participants, including fellow students and faculty, by adhering all exam instructions and guidelines.

* Maintain the confidentiality of exam content and refrain from sharing any information about exam questions or answers with others.

* Report any observed incidents of dishonesty.

* Understand that failing to adhere to this Honor Code may result in disqualification of students or schools from the Talent Search.